Counts since January 1st
2024 Bicycle Traffic Trends Show Ongoing Stability
Data Visualization
Fresh data on bicycle traffic is here! Since 2020, we’ve been providing data on bicycle volumes in 14 different countries, enabling us to (...)
Bikes Count: a data competition during bike month with The…
Data Visualization News
May is Bike Month! National Bike Month, established in 1956, takes place each May and aims to demonstrate the benefits of cycling and get people out (...)
NEMBA and Eco-Counter: Proudly working together to support mountain bike…
News Press review
Press release The New England Mountain Biking Association (NEMBA) and Eco-Counter are pleased to announce their first ever partnership, to support (...)
Two counters, three months: Understanding trail use trends with our…
Counting Projects Data Visualization
Last autumn, we announced our mountain biking partnership with Velo Québec, focusing on the importance of collecting trail count data to develop (...)
Quantifying and communicating the growth of winter cycling in Montreal
Counting Projects Data Visualization
This blog was was originally published by the Winter Cycling Federation, ahead of the 9th Annual Winter Cycling Congress which takes places (...)
Looking back on the 2020 cycling boom – digging into…
Data Visualization News
A lot has been made of the 2020 bike boom. From popup bike lanes, trail overcrowding, and a shortage of bikes (after all, ‘bikes are the new (...)
Wrapping up the ‘Atlantic On Bike’ EuroVelo bicycle tourism project
Counting Projects News
For the past few years, we have been proudly involved in the European Union ‘Atlantic on Bike‘ project – part of the extensive (...)

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