Counts since January 1st
2024 Bicycle Traffic Trends Show Ongoing Stability
Data Visualization
Fresh data on bicycle traffic is here! Since 2020, we’ve been providing data on bicycle volumes in 14 different countries, enabling us to (...)
COVID-19: the evolution of bicycle and pedestrian activity following containment…
Data Visualization
At this time, it is estimated that more than one billion people around the world are confined, or isolated, due the Coronavirus pandemic. The (...)
Introducing our partnership with IMBA and the Trails Count Grant…
We are really excited to announced a new partnership for this year with IMBA, the International Mountain Bicycling Association. The partnership will (...)
Introducing data reconstruction – the case of the blocked bike…
Counting Projects Data Visualization Planner Resources
A few months ago, I had to take a detour on my bike commute to work at the Eco-Counter office in Montreal. On my usual route, a three block section (...)
Gathering Place – A Data-Driven Park
Counting Projects News
Note: This article was originally published in the November edition of Parks and Rec Business magazine and on their blog. The article is authored (...)
Counting trail users in Pennsylvania with Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Counting Projects News
Note: This article was originally published in the Fall 2018 edition of American Trails. Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) is a non-profit (...)
Commit and they will come – the case of cycling…
Counting Projects News Press review
It has been a big few years for cycling in Paris and we are proud to be part of that story. Way back in 2008, right after the launch of the Velib (...)

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