Counts since January 1st
Saint Denis Street breaks its own bike count record… again!
Counting Projects Data Visualization News
There’s a saying that goes: “If you build it, they will come.” Turns out, whether you’re talking about a baseball diamond or (...)
Downtown Grand Rapids – telling the story of a dynamic…
Counting Projects
Established in 2013, Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) is responsible for city building and place management in the urban core of Grand Rapids (...)
Unveiling the 2019 Worldwide Cycling Index!
Data Visualization
Today is the day we unveil the 5th Worldwide Cycling Index, a global analysis we are leading since 2014 on all our bicycle counters installed in the (...)
Eco-Counter awarded VELOSYMPATIQUE (bike friendly) Gold status!
Today, we are very proud to announce that Eco-Counter’s Montreal office has been awarded VELOSYMPATIQUE (bike friendly) Gold status, recognizing (...)
Celebrating World Bicycle Day
Events News Press review
From Bike Month to Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day to Bike to Work Day, there are already a lot of reasons to celebrate cycling. In 2018, the United (...)
Trail focus: the Napa Valley Vine Trail
Counting Projects News
California sunshine, spectacular scenery, world-class wine, a beautiful pedestrian and bike trail – The Napa Valley Vine Trail has it all (...)
How They Use It #1 – Kevin Stefan & the…
Counting Projects Planner Resources
Today, we are starting a new series here on the Eco-Counter blog. Over the next few months, a collection of posts titled ‘How They Use (...)

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