Counts since January 1st
2024 Bicycle Traffic Trends Show Ongoing Stability
Data Visualization
Fresh data on bicycle traffic is here! Since 2020, we’ve been providing data on bicycle volumes in 14 different countries, enabling us to (...)
How They Use It #1 – Kevin Stefan & the…
Counting Projects Planner Resources
Today, we are starting a new series here on the Eco-Counter blog. Over the next few months, a collection of posts titled ‘How They Use (...)
Introducing a whole new look for Eco-Counter
Today, we are pleased to share with you Eco-Counter’s fresh new look! One year in the making, our new website, branding and logo aim to improve (...)
Bike counters: how do they work?
Planner Resources
The practice of bike counting through automated counters is well-established. Around the world, cities such as Paris, Manchester, Vancouver, New (...)
The state of bicycle counting 2018 infographic
Data Visualization
As you may remember from a blog post way-back in February, we are a proud sponsor of the League of American Bicyclists’ Bike Friendly Community (...)
Planner Resources: Let’s talk about validation counts
Planner Resources
A few months back, we published a blog post titled Planner Resources: How to Build a Bike Count Program. We received a great deal of feedback on this (...)
From temporary to permanent – count data and Montreal’s Avenue…
Counting Projects
Avenue Park Stanley is a newly developed, pedestrianized public space, connecting multiple popular parks in Montreal’s Ahuntsic-Cartierville (...)

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