Counts since January 1st
2024 Bicycle Traffic Trends Show Ongoing Stability
Data Visualization
Fresh data on bicycle traffic is here! Since 2020, we’ve been providing data on bicycle volumes in 14 different countries, enabling us to (...)
“DataViz Competition” bikes count 2022 winners: Lincoln-Lancaster County! [1/2]
Counting Projects Data Visualization
As part of Eco-Counter active role to support bicycle development, we started an official partnership with the League of American Bicyclists in 2019 (...)
Going from counts to visitors in Stenshuvud National Park (Sweden)
Counting Projects
Context Stenshuvud National Park is a national park located in Skåne, in the south of Sweden. It covers nearly 400 ha and has for centuries been a (...)
Best Practices for Winter Counting
Counting Projects
Ever wonder how winter weather affects the traffic on your trails? Cold, rainy, and snowy weather can have a huge impact on pedestrian and cyclist (...)
Eco-Counter Index: analysis of bicycle traffic in 2022
Data Visualization
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been producing the Eco-Counter Index four times a year, which analyzes bicycle traffic in 14 countries (...)
25 years of the EuroVelo network: some data to illustrate…
Data Visualization
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the EuroVelo network, Eco-Counter had the honor to speak on November 21st during a webinar held for the (...)
SuisseMobile: 2021 results of the national cycling observatory
Data Visualization
The SuisseMobile Foundation has created an 11,000km network of bicycle routes for leisure and tourism called “Cycling in Switzerland” and (...)

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